Privacy policy

At LukuLab, we collect personal information from our clients to provide the services we offer. Here is a breakdown of the personal information we collect and how we process it:

Contact Details

LukuLab Oy

Kipparinkatu 4

02320 Espoo

We collect the following personal information from our clients:

Name, Address, Email address, Telephone number, Ordering information, Marketing Authorisation, Other information related to customer relationship management, service provision, and marketing provided by the customer.

We process customer information to the extent necessary for the provision and operation of LukuLab Oy's services. We process personal data for billing and fee collection, marketing, customer relationship management, and development purposes, as well as for statistical purposes. We use the information in direct marketing only in accordance with applicable law. You have the right to opt out of direct marketing by contacting us at the address provided in section 1 above.

We will not disclose personal information to third parties unless necessary for the purposes described above and to the extent permitted and required by applicable law. We will not transfer personal data outside the EEA unless it is technically necessary to provide the service and in compliance with applicable law.

We take the necessary technical and organizational measures to protect our systems and data. Access to personal information is limited to our staff who require access and is secured through personal usernames and passwords.

We will retain records for as long as required by applicable law. We keep records of our customers, partners, and other contacts for as long as necessary for the purpose of the data processing in question. We periodically evaluate the need for our information and remove data that is no longer needed.

You have the right to request a review of your data processed by LukuLab, and to have it removed and corrected. You may also send us other requests based on applicable data protection law. You can opt out of processing your data for newsletters and other direct marketing by contacting us at the address provided in section 1 above. If you have any questions regarding data protection, you may contact the Data Protection Officer as advised on

We may update this privacy statement as we develop our websites and operations. An updated version of this policy is available on our website.