Cartoon character under a magic pear tree

How we support play-based learning

Our program is joyful. Many of our tasks are presented to a child in the form of engaging language games. During play, children can maintain their motivation and concentration longer.

It is meaningful. We encourage children to relate their own experiences to the words, sentences and texts that they read. As children make these connections, they begin to see the importance and relevance of reading in their own lives.

It encourages children to take on responsibilities. In our program, we have exercises where the child takes on the role of a teacher and evaluates the performance of an adult. This type of activity helps to develop their executive function skills.

It is iterative. Practice is key to becoming a good reader. We've replaced boring drills with fun computer games that children want to play over and over again.

It strengthens parents-children bonds. While playing with an adult a child learns to overcome difficulties in a safe and supportive environment.